Vater unser

Genre: Documentary film / Trailer
År: 2016-2022
Varighed: 01:42 min
Beskrivelse: Our Father The Catholic priest Robi has been a popular and recognised confidant in his small Hungarian village for years. But the pastor keeps a secret: he has a wife and three children in the neighbouring village. What is forbidden by the church is not inwardly contradictory for Robi. But the pressure on him and his family from the outside is enormous, and so Robi is finally forced to choose between two worlds, both of which he loves.
Udbyder: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Rettigheder: In Copyright / Cine Global Filmverleih (München)
Director: Julianna Ugrin
Márton Vízkelety -
Language: de